How to Find Unique Visitors In Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful business intelligence tool that allows marketers to better understand how their website performs in terms of creating traffic and converting those visitors into sales and revenue. Your website probably already gives you some basic insights into how many “hits” you receive but discovering unique visitors can be a challenge. This discussion will explore how to find unique visitors using Google Analytics and what this information can mean for your business and website. What Is A Unique Visitor In Google Analytics? Google Analytics defines visitors as simply “users.” Google Analytics defines this unique user metric as “the number of unduplicated (counted once) visitors to your website over the course of the specified time period.” Let’s break this definition down a little bit. ● “The number...”: Unique visitors, or users, is displayed as a number. The higher the number, the larger your website’s audience. ● “...of unduplicated (counted once) visitors…”: Uniqu...